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The Field Church
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Helping people joyfully make Jesus Christ their treasure!

Helping people joyfully make Jesus Christ their treasure!


Bereit für einen Abstecher? Überprüfen Sie die folgenden Öffnungszeiten für The Field Church.:

Montag:12:00 am - 12:00 am
Dienstag:12:00 am - 12:00 am
Mittwoch:12:00 am - 12:00 am
Donnerstag:12:00 am - 12:00 am
Freitag:12:00 am - 12:00 am
Samstag:12:00 am - 12:00 am
Sonntag:10:15 am - 11:45 am

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The Field Church Finden Sie unter der folgenden Adresse:

1200 W Causeway Approach

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Use the following telephone number to get in touch with The Field Church:

(773) 851-8902

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5.0/5.0 (23 Abstimmung(en))

Was ist in letzter Zeit bei The Field Church passiert?? Hier finden Sie relevante Neuigkeiten:


Ladies of The Field, don’t forget to join us tomorrow morning for a fun time of games and laughter! As always, invite a friend, and come to build community with other women of TFC! We’ll see you there! Saturday 10am-12pm at TFC


BAPTISM SUNDAY Sunday July 21 at The Field! Baptism is testifying outwardly to what God has done on the inside! If you have yet to be baptized, don’t delay! You can be baptized this coming Sunday at The Field Church! Please let us know! #TheFieldChurch #JoyfullyTreasuring #BaptismSunday


Thank you for worshiping with us today! May the grace of the Lord Jesus go with you and we will see you for Elder-led Prayer tonight at TFC at 6:30pm! #TheFieldChurch #JoyfullyTreasuring #GenuinelyLoving #ActivelyReaching #PassionatelyEquipping @ The Field Church


Hey Field Church! We are praying for you and yours as you await the arrival of Hurricane Barry. Preparing for a storm can be nerve wracking, but we know that He cares for us & never leaves us - cast all your anxiety on Him! Please let us know if we can serve you in any way during this time. We love you, and are grateful that you are a part of our family! #hurricanebarry #thefieldchurch #thefieldnola #mandeville


DID YOU KNOW? The Field Church began in September 2016 with the mission of helping the people of the Northshore to joyfully make Jesus Christ their Treasure! Our Mission statement comes from Matthew 13:44 ESV: “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” Jesus is the Treasure! Greater than all we have and all we could ever possess, Jesus’ worth surpasses it all! #TheFieldChurch #JoyfullyTreasuring @ The Field Church


All ladies are invited to join for some fun as we "compete" in silly games and enjoy a fun morning with one another. Don’t worry, the games are easy enough for all ages and fitness levels—expect to laugh a lot! This is an opportunity to get to know other ladies of the church, make a new friend, and enjoy fun community! And as always, feel free to invite a friend! #GenuinelyLoving


Don’t forget! To learn what it means to be a covenant member of The Field Church, join us tomorrow 1-4pm for Membership Class, hosted at TFC once every 3 months. #TheFieldChurch #AboveAllElseWeAreAboutTheGloryOfGod #JoyfullyTreasuring #GenuinelyLoving #ActivelyReaching #PassionatelyEquipping


Sunday we got to celebrate with the whole church all that God did in our kids ministry during Backyard VBS! So many children and families got to learn about the Great Commission, making disciples of all nations, and living with Jesus as our Treasure! What a joy it was to have our children singing, “Ready, Set, Go” by Sovereign Grace Kids. We know the Lord is working eternal things through Backyard VBS and we’re praying expectantly that God would make all of our children true treasurers of Jesus for all their days! #BackyardVBS #TheFieldChurch #JoyfullyTreasuring


MEMBERS MEETING Thank you to all our members for coming out tonight! We love you and it’s our joy to labor for the spread of the Gospel and God’s Kingdom with you! #TheFieldChurch #JoyfullyTreasuring #GenuinelyLoving #ActivelyReaching #PassionatelyEquipping @ The Field Church


Today is WORLD SUNDAY, the day we set aside four times per year to look at God’s global work together as a church! Today we get to celebrate what God did during our Backyard VBS: Around The World, learning to make disciples of all nations, and we get to hear about and pray for our partner church in Buenos Aires, Argentina! We hope to see you here at 10:15! #WorldSunday #JoyfullyTreasuring #GenuinelyLoving #ActivelyReaching #PassionatelyEquipping


ATTN Backyard VBS Night 3 (Friday) ALL LOCATIONS CHANGED TO ONE LOCATION DUE TO WEATHER The Field Church 1200 W Causeway Approach STE 29 | Mandeville 6:30pm-start | 8:00pm-pick up Help spread the word, and get ready for an amazing final night of Backyard VBS!


Another great night of Backyard Vacation Bible School: Around The World is in the books! Next stop: Afghanistan! We made crafts to remind us to pray for the people of Afghanistan, and snacked on delicious hummus and pita mixed with common ingredients of Afghani cuisine such as the aromatic spices cumin, cloves, and cinnamon. At the Global Missions story tent we learned from Mark’s Gospel that whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will not be saved. We spent time praying for unreached nations like Afghanistan who have yet to hear and who don’t have access at this time to the Gospel, and prayed that God would use us to share the Gospel with all people near and far! We’ll wrap things up tomorrow with one more of night of BVBS! Hope to see you there!


What an awesome first night of Backyard Vacation Bible School! Tonight our kiddos got their passports stamped in Buenos Aires! At the craft station, they made a colorful collage of homes, much like the ones found in the La Boca neighborhood. At snack, they used pretzels and cheese wheels to make a sun—just like the one in the center of the Argentine flag. They also embraced the Argentine love for soccer during recreation! Finally, they stopped by the Global Missions story tent to learn about being a "disciple" of Jesus. They saw photos of some of the grown-ups from church on their recent mission trip to Buenos Aires, and talked about why they may want to take a mission trip one day! What a joy to point these kids to the truth—it's all about Jesus! See you tomorrow for night #2 of BVBS!


If someone examined my life, would they say it looks like I treasure Jesus? Do I live in such a way that my life reflects the glory of God? Or do I look selfish and comfortable, pursuing my own comforts above God’s mission? We think the comforts of this world can bring about peace, but they only bring about destruction. It’s right to seek comfort—but don’t settle for a false and temporary comfort! True comfort only comes about when we’re diligently seeking the Lord and His glory! There’s no greater comfort than that! Pastor Chad from Sunday’s sermon on the idol of comfort from the 4 week series “The Truth About Idols” #TheFieldChurch #BiblicalCounseling #BeliefMatters #JoyfullyTreasuring


Calling all covenant members of TFC! Don’t forget—this Sunday night at 5:30 be at the Field for our biannual Members Meeting! Check in for children begins at 5:15, so arrive early for that, and then be ready to go at 5:30 for valuable investment from our elder team and important information regarding the vision and direction of our church! See you there! We love you, TFC members! #TheFieldChurch #AboveAllElse #WeAreAbout #TheGloryOfGod #JoyfullyTreasuring #GenuinelyLoving #ActivelyReaching #PassionatelyEquipping


We can’t wait to worship the Lord together with YOU! Join us today at 10:15 at TFC! #JoyfullyTreasuring #GenuinelyLoving #ActivelyReaching #PassionatelyEquipping


Just in time for BACKYARD VBS 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 Get your brand new Treasure Island Tee to show your love for TFC children’s ministry this Sunday for $12! (Ministry volunteer version also for sale for $15) @treasureisland_tfc @ The Field Church


“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” Jeremiah 17:9 ESV The human heart was made to treasure and worship God, but every human struggles with giving his worship to idols instead. Idols creep in and grip our hearts long before we know it, and we need God’s help to see the reality of our hearts and repent from idolatry. We look no further than the very Words of God to speak plainly to the deepest matters we encounter in this life. Join us this Sunday as Pastor Chad preaches on the idol of comfort, the final installment in our Biblical counseling series, Belief Matters: How the Heart Works


Imagine this—the very Word of God delivered by the very Word of God! At this point in our sermon series in the book of Luke, Jesus is on the scene, declaring Himself to be the Son of God, speaking the Truth of the scriptures and revealing that He Himself is the fulfillment of them! All were astonished, and even demons recognized and affirmed His authority! Jesus Christ is the Son of God! All authority is His! Glory to His name! Listen to recent sermons here: #TheBookOfLuke #AJoyfilledJourneyWithTheSonOfMan #JesusChrist


We’re grateful to host the Northshore Baptist Association June gathering today at TFC! Exciting things are happening in church multiplication in our association! “Church multiplication is a spiritual decision of a local church to put the needs of a desperate world before self-preservation.” Stephen Gray #TheNorthshoreBaptistAssociation #ChurchMultiplication #TheFieldChurch #PassionatelyEquipping


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Sunday we got to celebrate with the whole church all that God did in our kids ministry during Backyard VBS! So many children and families got to learn about the Great Commission, making disciples of all nations, and living with Jesus as our Treasure! What a joy it was to have our children singing, “Ready, Set, Go” by Sovereign Grace Kids. We know the Lord is working eternal things through Backyard VBS and we’re praying expectantly that God would make all of our children true treasurers of Jesus for all their days! #BackyardVBS #TheFieldChurch #JoyfullyTreasuring

A brief word to covenant members of TFC from Laura Coley, Executive Assistant to the Lead Pastors Members Meeting SUNDAY JUNE 30 5:30-7pm at TFC

Above all else we are about the glory of God; and we see His glory in His Word. We invite you to join us as we continue on this journey at The Field Church. From Sunday’s sermon from the current series The Book of Luke.

5 months ago, in an effort to become a body of more biblically literate believers, we began memorizing the books of the Bible in order! Chunk by chunk, we practiced them week after week, and this week we got to see the completion on Easter Sunday! We pray this is just one tool for making each of us good stewards of God’s Word and that it strengthens the body—to the glory of God! Good job, church! Keep practicing these and hiding God’s Word in your heart! #JoyfullyTreasuring #TheBooksOfTheBible #GodsWord

It is Good for us to remember the payment for our sins. Christ has paid the debt our sin incurred! It is finished! Join us for a special night of worship 6-7pm with communion and the preaching of the Word. Childcare available for babies-preschool. #GoodFriday April 19 at The Field

Do you feel dirty? What do you look to for cleansing? From the current sermon series at The Field Church. Join us Sundays 10:15am in Mandeville! 1200 W Causeway Approach

As one year ends and another begins, we hope you take the time to recount God’s faithful goodness toward you! We may not know what the future holds, but we know some things for sure! God never fails! He reigns and holds all things together. His mercies are new each morning. There will be grace for us! O God, we praise you for all you have done and all you will do! You are the LORD and our greatest Treasure! We, your children, look to You, and all our hope is in YOU! Psalm 31:23–24 ESV “Love the Lord, all you his saints! The Lord preserves the faithful but abundantly repays the one who acts in pride. Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord!” #JoyfullyTreasuring #HappyNewYear #2019

One of our biggest prayers for The Field Church is that our people would be “dangerous” with the Word of God! And part of that is knowing the books of the Bible. We’ve been memorizing them in order. This is a preview from a couple weeks ago. But so far we have memorized the first 14 books! Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles. Keep up the good work, church!

Our staff team genuinely loves each other! It’s necessary sometimes to set aside a day to do something out of the ordinary, to let loose, have some fun, laugh with each other, and grow in our friendships with each other as a team! “Google Days” as we like to call it, days where we focus solely on enjoying each other and being inspired by something out of the box! Today our staff team enjoyed a day of bouncing and playing at Elevation Station! We all had such fun and God grew us as friends, as a team, and as co-laborers for His Gospel! We so love this family He has given us! And church, we love YOU! (Missing Kirstie, Seth, Kat, Devin, Dakota, and Lauren) #GenuinelyLoving

Our staff team genuinely loves each other! It’s necessary sometimes to set aside a day to do something out of the ordinary, to let loose, have some fun, laugh with each other, and grow in our friendships with each other as a team! “Google Days” as we like to call it, days where we focus solely on enjoying each other and being inspired by something out of the box! Today our staff team enjoyed a day of bouncing and playing at Elevation Station! We all had such fun and God grew us as friends, as a team, and as co-laborers for His Gospel! We so love this family He has given us! And church, we love YOU! (Missing Kirstie, Seth, Kat, Devin, Dakota, and Lauren) #GenuinelyLoving

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Restaurants in der nähe

Auch diese Restaurants in der Nähe ansehen:

Liz's Where Y'at Diner
2500 Florida St, Mandeville
Frühstück, Brunch
Rusty Pelican
500 Girod St, Mandeville
Amerikanisch, Meeresfrüchte
Pat Gallagher's 527
527 N Causeway Blvd, Mandeville
Leonardo's Trattoria & Pizzeria
2625 Florida Street, Mandeville
Comfort Food, Europäisch, Italienisch, Pizza
544 Girod St., Mandeville
Lama's St. Roch Family Restaurant
1814 N. Causeway Blvd, Mandeville
Cajun, Creole, Familiengerecht, Meeresfrüchte
Sticks 'n Bones Bar-B-Que
1770 Highway 59, Ste 3, Mandeville
Bosco's Italian Cafe'
2040 La-59, Mandeville
Europäisch, Italienisch
The Lakehouse - Mandeville
2025 Lakeshore Dr, Mandeville
Amerikanisch, Meeresfrüchte, Südlich
Northlake Seafood
1770 Highway 59, Mandeville
Kazoku Sushi of Mandeville
1680 LA-59, Ste 800, Mandeville
Asiatisch, Sushi
Times Grill Mandeville
1896 N Causeway Blvd, Mandeville
Amerikanisch, Asiatisch, Burger
200 Girod St., Mandeville
Amerikanisch, Frühstück, Brunch
Nan's New Orleans Cafe and Poboy
700 Florida Street, Mandeville
K. Gee's Restaurant
2534 Florida St, Mandeville
Amerikanisch, Cajun, Creole, Meeresfrüchte
DUMAN Artisan Kitchen
821 Girod St., Mandeville
Comfort Food, Europäisch, Italienisch, Pizza
Fat Spoon Cafe
68480 Highway 59, Mandeville
Amerikanisch, Familiengerecht
Gio's Villa Vancheri
690 Lafitte Street, Mandeville
Europäisch, Italienisch
Bistro Byronz • Mandeville, LA
1901 Highway 190, Mandeville
Georges Mexican Restaurant
1461 N Causeway Blvd Ste 5, Mandeville
340 N Causeway Approach, Mandeville
Amerikanisch, Frühstück, Brunch, Cajun, Creole
The Poboy Company - Causeway Blvd
1817 N Causeway Blvd, Mandeville
Amerikanisch, Fast Food
246 Girod St, Mandeville
Europäisch, Italienisch
Chicken Salad Chick
3803 Louisiana 22, Mandeville
Amerikanisch, Südlich
Creole Tomateaux
1851 Florida St, Mandeville
Cajun, Creole, Meeresfrüchte
Hotels in der nähe

Auch diese Hotels in der Nähe ansehen:

Southern Hotel ~ Covington, Louisiana
428 E Boston St, Covington
Candlewood Suites Slidell Northshore
100 Holiday Boulevard, Slidell
Homewood Suites by Hilton Slidell, LA
175 Holiday Blvd, Slidell
Hotel Resort
Holiday Inn Express Slidell
1255 Frontage Road, Slidell
Bayou Haven Bed & Breakfast
34205 Highway 433, Slidell
Woodridge Bed and Breakfast of Louisiana
40149 Crowes Landing Rd, Pearl River
Bed and Breakfast, Hotel Resort
Clarion Inn & Suites Conference Center
501 North Highway 190, Covington
Holiday Inn Express Covington-Madisonville
69354 Stirling Blvd, Covington
Holiday Inn Slidell - New Orleans Area
372 Voters Road, Slidell
Microtel Inn & Suites Pearl River, Louisiana
63537 Highway 1090, Pearl River
Staybridge Suites
140 Holiday Blvd, Covington
Hotel Resort, Motel
La Quinta Inn New Orleans Slidell
794 East I-10 Service Rd, Slidell
Hotel, Gasthaus
Best Western Plus Slidell Hotel
120 Taos St, Slidell
Quality Inn & Suites
34579 Grantham College Road, Slidell
Hampton Inn Slidell
56460 Frank Pichon Rd, Slidell
La Quinta Inn & Suites Slidell - North Shore Area
126 Holiday Blvd, Slidell
Hotel, Gasthaus
Abita Springs Be & Be
75368 Moonshadow Ln, Abita Springs
Bed and Breakfast, Hotel
Residence Inn by Marriott New Orleans Covington/North Shore
101 Park Place Blvd, Covington
Holiday Inn Covington
45 Louis Prima Drive, Covington
Motel 6
136 Taos St, Slidell
Hotel, Motel
Courtyard by Marriott New Orleans Covington/Mandeville
101 Northpark Boulevard, Covington
Country Inn & Suites by Radisson, Slidell-New Orleans East, LA
126 Taos Street, Slidell
Comfort Inn & Suites
30 Louis Prima Drive, Covington
Immobilienmakler in der nähe

Auch diese Immobilienmakler in der Nähe ansehen:

Kim Higgins & Associates
Realty Executives NOLA, 4532 W. Napoleon Avenue, Suite 104, Mandeville
Immobilienmakler, Immobilienservice
Team Geaux Realty
1206 park drive, Mandeville
Carol Upton-Sieverding, Latter & Blum Inc. Realtors
1151 N Causeway Blvd, Mandeville
Watermark Realty, LLC- Mandeville
4040 West Florida Street, Suite 201, Mandeville
Kommerzielle Immobilienagentur, Immobilienmakler, Immobilienservice
Deborah Ritchie - Realtor
111 N. Causeway Blvd. Ste. 101, Mandeville
Shannon Malbrough - Your Real Estate Agent
1522 W Causeway Approach, Mandeville
Immobilienmakler, Immobilienservice
Elizabeth Westervelt- Realtor
Latter & Blum Inc. 1151 N Causeway Blvd, Mandeville
Immobilienmakler, Immobilienservice
Kerri Lawless, Realtor
1522 W Causeway Approach, Mandeville
McNeely Mack Lifestyle Properties
Latter & Blum 1151 N Causeway Blvd, Mandeville
Katherine Racine, Louisiana Realtor
1206 Park Dr. Suite 150, Mandeville
Petra Harper Realtor
4040 W. Florida St. Suite 201, Mandeville
Immobilienmakler, Immobilienservice
Suzette Hubbell, Gardner Realtors
1119 North Causeway Blvd Ste 2, Mandeville
Melissa Stockwell - Realtor, Re/MAX Alliance
RE/MAX Alliance, 625 N. Causeway Blvd., Suite C, Mandeville
Gwen Dorris, Realtor
1151 N Causeway Blvd, Mandeville
The Winning Team: Amanda Stevens & Steve Brooks, Re/max Alliance
RE/MAX Alliance 625 N Causeway Blvd Ste C, Mandeville
Kim Gambini - Keller Williams Real Estate Agent
1522 W Causeway Approach, Mandeville
Priscilla Morse - Latter & Blum
1151 N Causeway Blvd, Mandeville
Immobilienmakler, Immobilienservice
Deepa Chauhan Woods - Realtor
111 N. Causeway Blvd., Ste. 101, Mandeville
Heather Jacobson - Realtor
601 Asbury Dr, 2A, Mandeville
Louise Brady - Realtor: CRS, ABR, SRES, ASP
1151 N Causeway Blvd, Mandeville
Kristy Bergens Realtor
1742 N. Causeway Blvd, Mandeville
Lindsey McDaniel- Realtor
1151 N. Causeway Blvd., Mandeville
YOUR Northshore Re/Max ELITE Agent - Lovelle Blitch, Realtor
2647 N Causeway Bl, Mandeville
Falen Chiasson Realtor
Watermark Realty, LLC. 601 Asbury Dr Ste. 2A, Mandeville
Eric Rider, Gardner Realtors Mandeville
1119 N. Causeway blvd, Ste. 2, Mandeville
Hair salons in der nähe

Auch diese Hair salons in der Nähe ansehen:

Lacoste Hair Designs
4011 Highway 59 Ste C, Mandeville
Kosmetikgeschäft, Haarsalon
Air Salon & Blow Dry Bar - Mandeville
1111 N Causeway Blvd, Mandeville
Kosmetikgeschäft, Haarsalon, Hautpflegeservice
Salon SK
1858 N causeway Blvd, Mandeville
Barber Shop, Haarsalon
Regan Cheramie Salon & Spa
4244 highway 22 suite 1, Mandeville
Haarsalon, Nagelsalon
1200 West Causeway Approach, Mandeville
Schönheitsfachgeschäft, Haarsalon
A Thomas Cousins Salon
1901 Highway 190, Mandeville
Eleventh Street the Salon & Boutique
2255 11th St, Mandeville
Kosmetikgeschäft, Haarsalon
Hair by Kimber King
1660 Hwy 59, Mandeville
Mr. Wendell's Barber Shop and Salon
2484 Florida St, Mandeville
Barber Shop, Haarsalon
Basic Elements Spa & Salon
4045 Desoto St, Mandeville
Magnolia Salon
3925 Hwy 59, Mandeville
Salon Poche'
255 W Causeway Appr, Mandeville
Barber Shop, Kosmetikgeschäft, Haarsalon
Studio 915 Salon & Spa
1800 W Causeway Approach, Ste 121, Mandeville
Haarsalon, Makeup Artist
L&CO. Salon
3845 Hwy 22 Suite 6, Mandeville
JKM Hair Studio
1600 W Causeway Approach, Mandeville
Megan Adams Hair Studio
1858 North Causway BLVD., Mandeville
Bei Capelli Salon
1800 W Causeway Appr, Mandeville
The Industry barber co.
211 West Causeway Approach Suite C, Mandeville
Barber Shop, Haarsalon
Styles by Amy
4011 Hwy 59, Mandeville
DM Anthony Salon
12 Saint Ann Dr, Ste 2, Mandeville
Jacqueline's Family Hair Studio
5150 Hwy 22, Mandeville
Barber Shop, Schönheitssalon, Kosmetikgeschäft
Taylored Salon
4061 Highway 59, Mandeville
Haarsalon, Bräunungsstudio
Salon Riviera
1461 N Causeway Blvd Ste 6, Mandeville
Salon Estetica
2635 Florida St, Mandeville
Barber Shop, Haarsalon
d'Novo Salon
12 St.Ann Drive Suite 2, Mandeville